On April 11th, the Saturday before Easter, volunteers for Morton Memorial United Methodist Church’s food ministry distributed food to more than 150 families on the Mountain. It took masks, gloves, and careful planning to create a system for folks to drive through to pick up food with as little human contact as possible to keep everyone safe. Many who received food donated what they could to thank the church, including one donation that briefly brought work to a halt and several volunteers to tears: an elderly neighbor handed a volunteer a wet wipe through her car window that contained coins totaling $2.43. This gesture by someone in great need was not only one of self-sacrifice, but a beautiful demonstration of concern and thanks from one community member to another.
While sharing this story, Morton Memorial pastor Jodi McCullah said, “Jesus is not in the empty church, just as He is not in the empty tomb. He is alive and walking among us.”
Thank you Morton Memorial United Methodist Church for feeding the people
of the South Cumberland Plateau in this time of crisis.
