Thank you for your support!
Donations to the South Cumberland Community Fund support programs and projects that help our communities. We award more than $200,000 in grants each year based on the generosity of donors like you. SCCF is a 501(c)(3) entity, and charitable contributions are tax deductible.
​A gift to South Cumberland Community Fund’s endowment will provide a lasting impact on the Fund’s important work on South Cumberland Plateau. Immediate gifts of cash and stock will bolster SCCF’s current efforts to achieve a $1,000,000 endowment. Planned gifts given through bequests, charitable trusts, and IRA and 401k distributions will provide a lasting legacy of your support for the fund and may provide significant tax benefits for your heirs.
For more information about legacy gifts contact Tom Sanders at 931-954-9116 or at Always consult with your tax and legal advisors regarding a plan that best serves your family’s needs.
SCCF can receive gifts of stocks, mutual funds, and other appreciated securities. If your tax planning calls for capitalizing on the benefits of securities gifting, we hope you will consider donating to SCCF. Please consider a gift of appreciated stock to avoid paying capital gains taxes while at the same time receiving a charitable tax deduction.
Please let Ally Hollis, SCCF Annual Fund Director, know if you plan to make a gift of securities so we can properly apply your gift and acknowledge your generosity. Ally may be reached at 931-954-9116 or at
Please include the following information:
Your name
Your address
Your contact information (phone number and/or email address)
Source of security being gifted
Amount of transaction at the time order was placed
Please provide the following delivery instructions to your broker to complete the transaction:
South Cumberland Community Fund
Account held at Raymond James & Associates
Financial advisor & phone number: John Goodson, toll free 877.843.1411
DTC: Raymond James; DTC#: 0725
Account: 288XL719
We thank you for your financial support of SCCF.
Checks can be made out to: South Cumberland Community Fund and can be mailed to P. O. Box 1301, Monteagle, TN 37356.
Please include your name and address with your donation so that we can give you the proper appreciation!