What is best about our community, and what do we need to make it even better?​ ​
Fill out our survey below or follow the button to open the survey in another tab. We want to hear from everyone!
South Cumberland Community Fund is running a survey program to gather the information about our communities. We are working with Innovative Economy Partners (IEP) to run this Community opinions survey. IEP works with community foundations in 12 states who are helping cities, counties, and towns learn from residents the best way to shape their futures.
We will will share the results of the first Community Survey by May 1 to prepare partners across the Plateau for our 2025 collaborative grant round.
South Cumberland Community Fund has made a three-year commitment to this benchmarking project to guide our funding decisions and to track the impact of grantmaking over time.
Who can participate?
EVERYONE! The more people who do the survey the better the result! We want to hear from the youth and the elderly. People who commute to jobs off the Plateau and local employers and employees. People at every level of schooling. People of every race and ethnic background.​​
​Survey Goals:
Find out how people see their own communities.
Teach the Community Fund how to best direct its funding.
Help our grant partners shape their activities to build a thriving community.
Track the impact of grantmaking over time (three years).
Survey FAQ's
What is the purpose of this survey? What will the responses be used for?
South Cumberland Community Fund exists to serve those who live, work, and learn on the South Cumberland Plateau. Our vision is to make the plateau a place of hope and prosperity for all, but we cannot accomplish this goal without input and direction from those who know this place best. We want to hear directly from YOU, our most important collaborators, about what is most important.
This survey will be conducted each year for 3 years. The results will be used to teach the Community Fund how to best direct our funding each year, help our grant partners shape their activities to fit the most acute needs of their communities, and allow the Community Fund track the impact of our grantmaking over time.
How long will it take for me to fill it out?
Completing the survey should only take 10-15 minutes. We very much appreciate your time!
How do I access the survey? Can I fill out a paper copy if I don't want to fill it out online?
You can access the survey online above or at this link: If you would rather fill out a paper version, you may pick one up at your local library and drop it off at the same place. Or, you can call us at 931-954-9116 or email us at director@southcumberlandcommunityfund to arrange pick up or drop off of a paper copy.
Why are the towns separated into pairs?
Because our towns are smaller than usual for a project like this, we wanted to think about larger groupings that made sense so our data would be statistically significant. We organized it in town pairs that were closest to each other. Lots of people-not just in Pelham or Sherwood--live outside the city limits of our towns, so we thought those groupings could pull in almost everyone. We hope people will answer for the general location they identify with.
What if I live in Pelham or Sherwood? What if I work in the area but live somewhere else?
We want to hear from as many people who live, work, and learn on the South Cumberland Plateau as possible. If you live in Pelham or Sherwood, please choose the community pair that you most closely associate yourself or your household with. If you work in one of the communities we are surveying but live elsewhere, we still want to hear from you! Again, just select the community you are most connected to.
Why am I being asked these questions? Can't you get some of this data elsewhere?
The South Cumberland Plateau is a unique place with rich, vibrant, and distinct communities. It can be difficult to get data that is specific to our individual communities. Oftentimes, we have to revert to state data, which does not always capture an accurate picture of our unique circumstances. In short, we want better data that represents us.
Who is the company you are working with, Innovation Economy Partners?
Innovation Economy Partners designed the Community Opinions Survey to help community leaders see the hidden potential of their communities. They believe that small communities have ample talent and passionate leaders, and with the added insight and tools that data can provide, they can attain more with limited resources. IEP has worked with over 50 communities across the country, and we are excited to partner with them to bring their expertise to the South Cumberland Plateau.
Other Questions?
Contact us at 931-954-9116 or